The $50k Challenge – Update 10

The $50k Challenge Update 10 – 24/06/2020

Stock Code: HMXOD

Shares Sold: 1,383,000

Share Price: $0.014 (average)

Loss %: 23%

Loss $: $6,020

Reason for Selling

I royally stuffed up the execution on this great company. The options have an expiry date of 30 September so I was forced to sell the options as the risk of holding was too large.

The share price of HMX has doubled since my original purchase but the options didn’t perform due to the short expiry date.

To be clear, if it wasn’t for the expiry of the options I wouldn’t be selling as HMX has fantastic potential. The directors have been buying non stop over the past 6 months and they have a great set of leases which they are currently drilling.